Monday, February 28, 2011

Project 365 Day 133: Florida photos from my visit

Today is a rainy day in the city so I had the chance to visit some of my recent photos from my visit to Florida. Obviously my trip was about spending time with my mom and supporting her during and after her surgery, but my mom was adamant that I go out and get some photos so I did.

If you are interested in checking out some of my Florida photos click on the following link:

Florida - The Sunshine State

Thanks and as always, enjoy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project 365: Day 132 - Another day in the city

Another beautiful day in this great city. High 40's, a lot of sun and people were out and about enjoying it all. You can definitely tell spring is in the air and I cannot wait to capture the flowers and etc.

Midtown Manhattan Skyline , New York City

Friday, February 18, 2011

Project 365: Day 131 - Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary

What a time I had at the Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary this past Monday, taking photos for their website, brochures and other things. I can see the passion they have for taking in and taking care of these beautiful birds that for one reason or another have ended up there. If you own a bird, or know of anyone who does, and you can no longer take care of it a bird sanctuary is a great option if you want to leave your pet in good hands. Most of these places run solely on our donations, so anything you can give will help.

Here are a few shots from the day...I love the colors on some of these birds :-)

MaCaw Parrot

Green-Winged MaCaw - 1

MaCaw 2

I was able to get up close with these beautiful birds in their huge outdoor cages and in some cases I was able to feed them, as you can see with this beautiful African Grey Parrot...

African Grey Parot Eating

...and here is a video I took with my iPhone while being in a smaller cage with a Macaw, Cockatoo and the above pictured rare African Grey Parrot...(this guy is a little timid in the video, but after a food offering he was more than good to go lol)

And one more for the road...A close up of a Moluccan Cockatoo. Boy what a great time!

Moluccan Cockatoo (Headshot)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Project 365: Day 130 - Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Today's photos are of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. There is a neat story behind why this bridge was built.The original bridge was built in 1954 and in during a terrible storm in 1980 a big freight boat, with little to no visibility, crashed into the bridge and knocked a big chunk of it down. Due to this terrible accident they had to build a new bridge that was completed in 1987. If you look at the sides of the bridge they have huge bumpers that offer protection to help avoid such a disaster again. Talk about learning from your mistakes :-). What was really cool is that they left up a portion of the old bridge on each end and use them as fishing piers and I was able to take these photos from there.

Sunshine Skyway Bridge - Long View

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Project 365: Day 129 - Osprey feasting on it's prey

Osprey Eating Fish

This is a wonderful photo of an Osprey feasting on its prey (some sort of fish). In the particular area where I captured this beautiful Osprey picture there isn't much to be concerned about when being up this high. It's amazing how they can swoop down, grab a fish from the water and settle at a place this high up where it can safely eat and keep a watch for any potential predators.

Nature in action is a beautiful thing. It's also a lot of work due to apprehensive wildlife. The end result of your efforts are definitely rewarding when you capture just the right shot. There is so much out there to be discovered and I love the journey.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 365: Day 128 - Downtown Tampa @ Night

Tampa Bay Downtown @ Night

Today the rain was away and the sun was shinning all day and I was able to shoot night scape with clear skies for the most part. The weather hasn't cooperated since I arrived to Tampa last week so I'm happy I was able to capture this shot :-)

It was a beautiful day indeed and I hope you enjoyed your day as well!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project 365: Day 127: Sunset w/ Two Suns

Another day in the sunshine state and of course I had to capture the sun setting :-)

It looks like there are two suns side by side and I think it looks pretty cool. Maybe something you would find in a sci fi flick lol

Enjoy and have a great night!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 365: Day 126 - Tarpon Springs, Florida

Another rainy day in Tampa! I haven't really gotten to see the sun since I've been here, but all is well. We visited Tarpon Springs today and enjoyed the small rainless window of time and ended up having some great Gyros after walking around and enjoying being by the water.

Tarpon Springs is one of highest sponge producing locations in the country and they have them in all shapes and sizes. Pretty cool. There are also a lot of fisherman and boats and one of them I captured in today's photo.

Hope you enjoy and if you are ever in the Tampa area go ahead and visit Tarpon Springs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 365: Day 125 - My mom is home!

My mom was released from the hospital today and is doing well, PTL!! She still needs a lot of rest and care, but that's what I'm visiting for.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support, it all is greatly appreciated.

Pepin was a nice hospital with a smiling staff and a state of the art facility. Oh and good philly cheesesteaks too lol.

Have a great day and enjoy watching the superbowl!!

About Me

My photo
I am a New York based Wedding, Event and Portrait Photographer who also enjoys capturing the beauty of the outdoors & nature.
